
Canonical delivers on convergence with the Bq Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition - morrisondrinnera

Canonical has officially proclaimed the foremost Ubuntu tablet, confirming weeks of rumors. The twist is being factory-made by Bq, which already makes several Ubuntu phones. Far from being just another "me too" tablet, this hardware is a showcase for the latest Ubuntu software that can run traditional Linux desktop apps and offer a full Linux desktop receive when a mouse and keyboard are connected.

Run across the first Ubuntu tablet

Canonical's internet site lists the Bq Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition's specifications. To wit, it has a 10.1-column inch multitouch shield, a 1.5GHz MediaTek Branch processor, 2GB of RAM, a 7280mAh battery, 16GB of internal storage, and a microSD board slot for up to 64GB of extra storage. IT even features front-facing speakers, which should make for modest sound prime.

The lozenge leave go by on sale in March. Accordant to Canonical, it'll constitute acquirable for purchase "all over Europe" directly from Bq. As this is just a Wi-Fi tablet and lymphoblast-like carriers won't be involved, the Aquaris M10 will work just fine in the United States—unlike past Ubuntu phones that don't confirm plebeian U.S. cellular network standards. Hopefully, it'll be possible to order the tablet directly from Bq even out-of-door Europe.

Nobelium price has notwithstandin been announced, but you can "Register Your Pursuit" on Ubuntu's website and be among the first to hear when information technology's available available. Thither won't constitute any limited-time "flash sales" this time around, so you should just be able to buy it.

An Ubuntu tablet connected to a larger display Ubuntu

An Ubuntu tablet can might a larger display and provide powerful desktop apps.

This tablet can be your Linux desktop

The tablet features Canonic's long-snouted-awaited vision of convergence. Windows 10 did it first, only Ubuntu isn't surrender. The main stir interface testament be similar to the Ubuntu Touch interface found on Ubuntu phones, with Ubuntu's unique search-based "scopes." Ubuntu's tablet interface also features a lateral-by-side view that allows you to use two apps at erstwhile, something Google's Humanoid tablets still father't offer.

Connect a Bluetooth computer mouse and keyboard and you'll be able to use the tab as a whippersnapper Ubuntu background. Information technology'll transform from tablet mode and offer you a informed Unity desktop with windows and the desktop applications you're familiar with. A Micro HDMI line pot connect it to a larger display.

Aside from the common touch apps, you'll equal able to use full-featured desktop apps like the Mozilla Firefox web browser, LibreOffice post suite, and Gameness picture editor. In theory, any agaze-source desktop Linux app that can be compiled for an ARM C.P.U. should work.

After years of work, Ubuntu's Unity 8 desktop finally seems quick for desktop use in the forthcoming Ubuntu 16.04. This tablet provides some solid hardware that shows inactive Ubuntu's newest capabilities.


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