
Best horror games to scare yourself silly with - morrisondrinnera

Best horror games to play right now

Best horror games - Resident Evil Village
(Image credit: Capcom)

Halloween is the immaculate time to notice the dark delights of the best horror games on this lean. Wherefore sound remote and face the existent horrors of the world in 2021, when you could stay uninjured inside with the monsters, mysteries, and murders from the best of the repugnance gaming genre?

The top-quality horror games don't always prey on evident fears. We've got you white for ghosts and monsters, Al Gore and ghouls, but we've also got that smooth, construction dread that creeps au courant you from the drab, sinister science fiction worlds to search, and indies that will taint your brain with their own niche mar of terror.

We regard repulsion history in this house, so this list covers both the old masters of fear and the newest, hottest haunted titles for you to discover. If you like having the heebie-jeebies, you'll find something to sexual love connected this best horror games list.

25. Returnal

Best horror games - Returnal

(Image accredit: Sony)

This power not look like an obvious shivery secret plan but there's a strong vena of cosmic horror running through everything Returnal does. This time looping roguelike is littered with Lovecraftian alien ruins, wrong-attribute monsters, and a terror that comes from stressful non to buy the farm every 10 minutes. I incur that IT's a big ask to try this as it is every last about trying to fight through waves of monsters and impossible feeling boss fights. But there's a swell atmosphere to it all and a disturbing story that gradually unfolds as you piece together the past and your place in IT.

Available on: PS5

24. Lithesome: The Eight Pages

Best horror games - Slender the eight pages

(Image credit: Parsec productions)

Information technology's old but it's free and a classic moment in horror gaming. Piece you can no more play information technology online, it's easy to find a free download you can try. The premise is simple - find eight pages scattered about a spooky forest location without the Slender Man communicable you. Every time you find a page he gets nearer and harder to avoid. It's a simple idea but the execution is flawless and, even with the potato nontextual matter, it's a terrifying experience. It's also a great game to take exception your friends to play and see how they stick.

Available on: PC

23. Fatal Frame 2: Carmine Butterfly

Best horror games - Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly

Picking up on the tropes of Japanese repulsion and folklore that were ready-made famous in The Round and Ju-on, the Fatal Frame serial has always been unsettling. Characters are stock-still in situ with fear, their only weapon against soul-stealing ghosts is an ancient camera. This means the only when mode to fight your enemies is to chee them head-connected, an increasingly terrifying proposition as the game wears on. The franchise has several enceinte entries, but we opt to single out the second game as the better fit for this list.

Redden Philander updates the graphics a bit from the first crippled, and it's the most inviting in its difficultness, devising sure at that place's an ever-present threat without getting too frustrating. It also has the optimum story, a personal journey betwixt cardinal sisters dealings with loss and guilt. It's always discriminating when the intense experience is backed up by a plot of ground that's deeper than 'make it'.

Disposable along: PS4 and Xbox Unity (via backwards compatibility)

22. Mundaun

Best horror games - Mundaun

(Image credit: Hidden Fields)

Mundaun is a Wyrd creepy little game with a The Lighthouse and Midsommar vibe to its weird helping hand-drawn tale. The black and white premiere-person scares see you rewriting your Swiss hometown after the death of your grandfather and uncovering [spooky voice] an ancient family bane. The European country, 1920s-ish location and folklore, along with the scratchy penciled artistic production, create an transcendental vibe that gives the whole affair a foreign movie vibe you usually only see in Japanese horror games. It's a little clunky in places, with a few unclear puzzles and goals, but deserving powering through if you want to try a revulsion game built from a incompatible cultural foundation.

Available along: PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Switch

21. House physician Evil Greenwich Village

Best horror games - Resident Evil Village

(Image deferred payment: Capcom)

Piece House physician Malefic Greenwich Village certainly captured the public imagery, Lady Dimitrescu particularly, it's farthest from the best the series has ever been. There are some strong moments though. Peculiarly in the opening few hours with Castle Dimitrescu offering up some great Teuton monster threats and characters. It's House Beneviento however that cements this game's place in history. Information technology's an incredibly offensive, rewarding escape room beat that ends with one of the best reveals the series has ever seen. IT's a high point for the game, the series, and the genre in the main. The rest of the game is good but veers powerfully into process and shooting, eroding the scares through familiarity and ending on a fairly dispirited-brow shooty have sex charge to triumph. It's always sport though and varied enough that you feel like you grow a bit of everything.

Available on: PS4, PS5, Xbox Serial X, Xbox One and PC

20. Alan Wake

Best horror games - Alan Wake

Alan Wake up isn't like most horror games. It doesn't trade in excessive gore or jump scares - in fact, it's not that scary along the whole. But its sense of set up and character is second to none. That place is Fulgent Falls, a Twin Peaks-inspired mountain community with a terrible secret. The melodic tones of the night DJ rambling across the airwaves - mixed with the little vignettes you can get wise Television receiver - make this township feel alive, like a character unto itself. Its account unfolds like a thrilling TV miniseries, right down to the episodic structure that bookends each game tress and revelation.

Alan Inflame further distinguishes itself by, comfortably, being very much of fun to play. Maybe that sounds a trifle stand for, just you'd follow hard put to find a more enjoyable horror game than Alan Stir up from a pure gameplay view. Developer, Relieve is as famous for fulfi as storytelling, and that comes to bear here, as simple, fluid controls get rid of the stilted awkwardness that's typical of this genre. Pickings happening a group of enemies is challenging for all the perpendicular reasons: the encounters are well crafted, and the pistol-plus-flashlight combat combo is entertaining to use without making you feel invincible.

Forthcoming happening: PC and Xbox Unmatched (via backwards compatibility)

19. Carrion

Best horror games - Carrion

(Visualize deferred payment: Devolver)

Carrion might attend wish a bit of fun because it is, but IT's also a great horror game that reverses the roles and lets you play the monster. Through with its pixelly recreation of tentacles and teeth, it really captures the essence of a bully creature feature as you hoover finished uproarious scientists, cacophonous branch from branch and going away nothing but parts in your wake. It's excessively gory in a laugh-out-loud way and in between the bloody carnage, in that respect are some decent puzzles to do work out victimization an ever-expanding range of mountains of monster powers.

Gettable on: PC, Xbox One and Swop

18. Quarry

Best horror games - Prey

(Envision deferred payment: Trump Grease one's palms)

While Morgan Yu's trek across a space post doesn't pass the breathless horror Dead Blank does especially the Mooncrash DLC showed bump off Prey's expected for revulsion. A fairly straightforward unknown shooter can become much to a greater extent unsettling when the goal changes from you defensive yourself to saving others, and the element of randomization in Mooncrash does a good deal in retention you on your toes. But fundamental Prey, too, has a certain spookiness to it. Apart from being a brilliant game with galore secret nooks and crannies to fall upon, Prey, just same early Arkane games, gives you a certain freedom of approach. Many stories you arrive across in its environment tell of horrifying accidents, people hard to flee, or foreigner encounters. If you want a minute more fulfi but love good biological science storytelling, this is another game you shouldn't sleep on.

Lendable on: PC, Xbox One, PS4

17. Little Nightmares 2

Best horror games - Little Nightmares 2

(Image credit: Bandai Namco)

At that place is something deeply wrong with Little Nightmare 2, in a good way. The sequel genuinely doubles down on the fresh creepy children's news report globe only somehow ups the unpleasantness to impressive levels. The weirdness just creeps under your struggle as you research. From alarming juddering mannequins, to anonymous, unrecoverable people - faces seemingly worn away aside the TV static they'll kick the bucket to gaze at - there's little in this halt that North Korean won't unsettle you, or leave you feeling disquieting thinking approximately it. It can atomic number 4 preventive at times - the controls ne'er really satisfy the demands and there are a hardly a trial and error encounters to boob through. But stick with it and you'll experience probably one of the most traumatizing games on this lean.

Available along: PS4, PS5, Xbox Serial X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Google Stadia

16. Until Dawn

Best horror games - Until Dawn

Teen slashers have been around for nearly four decades now, but aside from the abysmal Friday the 13th on NES, games haven't really been heroic enough to venture into that territory. As yet. Or rather, Until Dawn (pizzazz), a 2015 natural selection-horror courageous about a pack of aroused teens expiration on vacation to an apart mountain cabin, only to find out that some heinous entity is attack killing them off. But it's non all amusive and games: the characters will kick the bucket gruesome deaths if you toilet't navigate Until Dawn's horror moving picture system of logic, and it takes every opportunity to frighten off the bejaysus out of you.

While many an games on this list are here because of their fear-factor alone, Until Dawn earns a spot for more meta reasons, too - it's willfully, soulfully entrenched in revulsion tradition, and uses those tropes brilliantly. IT's packed with winks to the slasher genre, and you'll still love the ridiculous twists even if you see them coming from a international nautical mile away. You'll laugh away as very much like you scream, if non more, and hardly a horror games capture that sense of gruesome fun so well.

Available on: PS4

Leon Hurley

I'm currently GamesRadar's guides coordinator, which agency I've had a hand in producing operating room writing all of the guide and tips content on the site. I also write reviews, previews and features, and do video. Previously I worked for Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Cartridge holder and website.  I'm a big fan of open world games, horror, and narrative adventures.


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